Motor Transport Institute invites you on 3rd
June 7, 2022 – Warsaw, Sofitel Warsaw Victoria Hotel
O konferencji
Automation in transport is no longer just a leading trend of changes in the automotive sector, but a fact. Over the 70 years of its existence, the Motor Transport Institute has responded to the needs of the economy and technical progress in the field of road transport, and also today, by being part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is witnessing the disappearance of boundaries between people and machines and the dissemination of the Internet of Things.
One of the Motor Transport Institute’s leading activities is its involvement in the popularization of autonomous vehicles, which culminated in the AV-POLAND 2021 conference, which turned out to be the most important event related to AVs in Poland. It is an opportunity to meet representatives of the automotive industry, learn about the latest trends and achievements, and above all, to discuss the future of road transport.
Continuing pioneering activities in the field of popularizing the subject of autonomous vehicles, the Motor Transport Institute together with the Competence Center for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, invites you to the next edition of the conference – AV-POLAND 2022. The event will be organized in a hybrid formula, i.e. as a combination of a traditional meeting in the hall conference with speakers, with an online meeting with participants.
Register for 2022 will be soon available
During the AV-POLAND 2022 conference, the results of the work of two flagship projects in the field of autonomous vehicles will be presented: AV-PL-ROAD and Trustonomy, co-implemented by the Motor Transport Institute. The aim of the AV-PL-ROAD project is to create guidelines for legal regulations for introducing autonomous vehicles on Polish roads. There are also plans to develop a catalogue of good international practices in the creation of regulations enabling the admission of autonomous vehicles to traffic and road infrastructure adapted to this, as well as to disseminate information to the public related to the introduction of autonomous and connected vehicles. The tangible effect of the project is the creation of a CAD vehicle contact point, officially estabilished during the 2nd edition of the AV-POLAND conference as the Competence Center for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles. In addition to the summary of the project work, a discussion panel with representatives of science, administration and business is also planned.
The AV-Poland 2022 conference will be one of the most important events in the automotive industry in 2022. It will allow the exchange of knowledge and experience regarding technical issues related to the construction of automation systems used in the most modern vehicles. It is also a perfect place for entrepreneurs focusing on innovative solutions in the field of road transport. A separate session will be dedicated to the BUSINESS, during which the event partners will present technologies and the most important achievements that have been developed over the past years. An additional attraction will be the presentation of modern autonomous solutions for logistics, prepared in cooperation with leading suppliers.
Conference objectives
- Presentation of the final results of the AV-PL-ROAD project,
- Discussion of formal and legislative aspects, as well as the changes required for effective and safe testing and implementation of autonomous and connected vehicles in Poland,
- Presentation of progress in the preparation of technological solutions for autonomous vehicles and presentation of the latest technologies,
- Exchange of knowledge and experience on technical issues related to the construction of automation systems used in today’s vehicles,
- Raising public awareness and preparing society for the safe and effective use of CAD,
- Presentation of broadly understood ethical issues, formal and educational challenges related to the implementation of autonomous vehicles.
We invite you to the AV-POLAND 2022 conference
To the conference left
Otwarcie konferencji
Powitanie gości i oficjalne otwarcie konferencji
9:30 - 10:45
Sesja projektu AV-PL-ROAD cz. 1
Zakres tematyczny sesji:
Podsumowanie pierwszego roku działalności Centrum Kompetencji Pojazdów Autonomicznych Połączonych
Dobre praktyki wdrażania pojazdów autonomicznych i połączonych na świecie oraz bariery w zakresie wprowadzenia pojazdów autonomicznych i połączonych w Polsce
- 10:45- 11:15 Przerwa kawowa
11:15 - 12:30
Sesja projektu AV-PL-ROAD cz. 2
Zakres tematyczny sesji:
Zaufanie, akceptacja, świadomość i wiedza o pojazdach autonomicznych i połączonych – wyniki badania społecznego
Systemy wsparcia kierowcy – reakcje i odczucia kierowców. Wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w ruchu rzeczywistym
Rola szkoleń w bezpiecznym wdrażaniu zautomatyzowanego transportu drogowego
Potrzeby, bariery i wytyczne kształcenia wysokowykwalifikowanych kadr technicznych i managerskich dla potrzeb wdrażania CAD w Polsce
- 12:30 - 13:30 Przerwa obiadowa
13:30 - 14:10
Sesja projektu AV-PL-ROAD cz. 3
Zakres tematyczny sesji:
Zagadnienia homologacyjne pojazdów zautomatyzowanych
Założenia do nowelizacji aktów prawnych w zakresie dopuszczenia do testowania i użytkowania pojazdów CAD
14:10 - 15:00
Panel dyskusyjny
Dyskusja moderowana na temat wyzwań formalnych i legislacyjnych związanych z wdrażaniem pojazdów autonomicznych w Polsce
- 15:00 - 15:30 Przerwa kawowa
15:30- 16:45
Sesja biznesowa
Sesja poświęcona w całości partnerom biznesowym konferencji.
- 16:45- 17:00 Uroczyste zakończenie konferencji
Prelegenci 2021
Autonomiczna Przyszłość Transportu Drogowego
Termin: 2022 r.
Adres: Hotel Sofitel Warsaw Victoria, ul. Królewska 11, 00-065 Warszawa
Konferencja AV-POLAND 2022 jest to jedyne tak duże wydarzenie o tematyce pojazdów autonomicznych w Polsce. Pod jednym dachem spotkają się zarówno naukowcy, jak i reprezentanci koncernów motoryzacyjnych, dostawcy rozwiązań technicznych, a także przedstawiciele rządu i samorządowcy. To wymiana opinii i doświadczeń napędza rozwój.